Ginseng radix – Ginseng

Panax gin­seng, gin­seng, also known as Asi­an gin­seng, Chi­ne­se gin­seng, Japa­ne­se gings­eng or Kore­an gin­seng, is a spe­ci­es of plant who­se root is the ori­gi­nal source of gin­seng. It is a perennial…


Mastic, Mastix, Mastixpistazie.…

Index Anwendungen – Madaus Lehrbuch

…ocu­li, Pto­sis, Puer­per­al­fie­ber, Puer­per­al­fie­ber, Sep­ticä­mie nach, Puer­per­al­sep­sis, Pul­mo­n­als­teno­se, Pur­gans, Pur­pura hae­mor­rha­gi­ca, Pye­li­tis, Pye­lo­cys­ti­tis, Pylo­ro­s­pas­men, Pyor­rhoea alveo­la­ris, Pyro­sis, Pyä­mi­sche Pro­zes­se Q Quad­del­aus­schlag, Queck­sil­ber­ver­gif­tung, Quet­schun­gen (Con­tus­io­nen), Quin­ke­sches Oedem R Rachen­höh­le, Erkran­kung der, Rachenkatarrh,…

Phytotherapeutic Monographs (BGA, Commission E, Germany)

List of Ger­man Com­mis­si­on E Mono­graphs (Phy­to­the­ra­py) Agrim­o­ny (Agri­mo­niae her­ba) Aloe (Aloe bar­ba­den­sis, Aloe capen­sis) Alpi­ne Lady’s Man­t­le herb (Alche­mil­lae alpinae her­ba) Ange­li­ca root (Ange­li­cae radix) Ange­li­ca seed and herb (Ange­li­cae fruc­tus, Ange­li­cae herba)…

Influenza, common cold – scientific based herbal alternatives

…mul­ti­mo­dal spec­trum of action. In our view, the­r­e­fo­re, the use of Echinacea extra­ct for pro­phyl­actic and the­ra­peutic pur­po­ses can be recom­men­ded on the basis of exis­ting know­ledge. Espe­ci­al­ly sin­ce the…

WHO-Monographie Radix Ginseng

Radix ginseng

…Ripa­ri P, Vec­chiet L. Effects of a stan­dar­di­zed gin­seng extra­ct com­bi­ned with dime­thyl­ami­no­etha­nol bit­ar­tra­te, vit­amins, mine­rals, and trace ele­ments on phy­si­cal per­for­mance during exer­cise. Cli­ni­cal the­ra­peu­tics, 1991, 13:373–382. Van Schep­da­el P.…