Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

2004–06-pms.htmPremenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Guest aut­hor

Gabri­el­le von Pagen­hardt, Water­loo (Onta­rio), Canada

Pre­mens­tru­al Syn­dro­me, or PMS, is not a nor­mal part of women’s lives. PMS occurs about one to two weeks befo­re onset of the month­ly peri­od. Sym­ptoms and expe­ri­en­ces vary wide­ly. Many women expe­ri­ence purely phy­si­cal dis­com­fort, while others strugg­le with a myri­ad of psy­cho­lo­gi­cal pro­blems. Many women don’t expe­ri­ence any sym­ptoms at all.

What are the most com­mon com­plaints? Sym­ptoms ran­ge from mood swings to irri­ta­bi­li­ty. Bloa­ting and diges­ti­ve tract upset is very com­mon, espe­ci­al­ly with women in peri-meno­pau­se (the time befo­re actu­al onset of meno­pau­se). Swol­len breasts and ten­der­ness, cram­ping and/​or water reten­ti­on in hands and feet, as well as food cra­vings (espe­ci­al­ly car­bo­hy­dra­tes and cho­co­la­te) and skin pro­blems are very com­mon. While many women have no or minor pro­blems during this time, others have debi­li­ta­ting pain and emo­tio­nal upset that serious­ly inter­fe­res with their lives. Other pro­blems include migrai­ne hea­da­ches, back­a­ches, for­getful­ness and extre­me tired­ness. Often, women can­not car­ry on with their nor­mal work life.

As rese­arch shows, many of the­se sym­ptoms occur when chan­ges in the hor­mo­n­al cycle are extre­me and recur­ring. The­se hor­mo­n­al imba­lan­ces are depen­dent on a com­plex set of fac­tors. Often, PMS pro­blems are lin­ked to an imba­lan­ce in pro­sta­glan­dins, which is a hor­mo­ne-like fat­ty sub­s­tance. Very detri­men­tal is a diet rich in meat, and lack­ing cold-pro­ces­sed oils, such as extra vir­gin oli­ve oil and fish (such as sal­mon) oil. Also, we have to take gre­at care of the liver, the much-negle­c­ted organ. The liver is respon­si­ble for deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on and break­down of hor­mo­nes. What else makes PMS worse? Lack of sleep, alco­hol, refi­ned sugar , and a life­style that pres­ents out­ward, but no true inner hap­pi­ness and contentness.

How can PMS helped in a nutritional way?

First, women with PMS should cho­se wise­ly when it comes to nut­ri­ti­on. The same is espe­ci­al­ly true when it comes to pre­mens­tru­al migrai­ne. Unre­fi­ned, cold-pres­sed seed and nut oils such as sun­flower, flax and sesa­me seed oil are very important. The­se can be taken into salads and yogurts. When it comes to yogurts, cho­se the brand which con­ta­ins life bacteria.

Evening Prim­ro­se Oil is very effi­ci­ent in com­ba­ting PMS. The B vit­amins are essen­ti­al for bloa­ting, weight gain and acne. Magne­si­um is found in figs, nuts, lemons and grape­fruit, as well as in bananas.

Wheat Germ is a won­derful source of nut­ri­ents and very good for breast ten­der­ness and pain. (It is also very important to redu­ce cof­fee and soda pop inta­ke, as well as cho­co­la­te, in short: all sources of caffeine).


To sum this sec­tion up: Vit­amin E, Vit­amin B‑complex, Magne­si­um (tog­e­ther with Cal­ci­um) and Evening Prim­ro­se Oil (pos­si­bly Red Cur­rant Oilv and Bora­ge Oil) are very important.

When it comes to her­bal reme­dies, we have an excel­lent body of rese­arch available. Every woman is dif­fe­rent and it is important to have a vit­amin and her­bal pro­gram tail­or made by a pro­fes­sio­nal. Shop­ping sprees in health foods stores can be cos­t­ly and might not bring the reli­ef wan­ted. The fol­lo­wing recom­men­da­ti­ons repre­sent a small sel­ec­tion out of many pos­si­ble her­bal combinations.

Chas­te Tree (Vitex agnus cas­tus L.) sti­mu­la­tes the pitui­ta­ry gland and nor­ma­li­zes hor­mo­n­al function.

Dami­a­na (Tur­ne­ra dif­fu­sa) also balan­ces the hor­mo­nes and boosts energy.

Lady’s Man­t­le (Alche­mil­la xan­tochlo­ra) regu­la­tes the mens­tru­al cycle. It can be com­bi­ned with black cohosh (Cimici­fu­ga race­mo­sa) and dong quai (Ange­li­ca sinen­sis).

Yar­row (Achil­lea mil­le­fo­li­um) reli­e­ves cramps and can be com­bi­ned with lady’s man­t­le befo­re mens­trua­ti­on beg­ins, place a warm St. John’s oil (Hyperi­cum per­fo­ra­tum) wraps on the lower abdo­men to help alle­via­te symptoms.

Home­opa­thy offers a wide array of reme­dies when it comes to PMS. The­re is a gre­at num­ber of sin­gle or com­bi­na­ti­on reme­dies used to tre­at PMS and here are the most com­mon ones.

Sepia is important when indif­fe­rence to others turns to anger and irri­ta­bi­li­ty. The­re is gre­at fati­gue. Exer­cise impro­ves energy.

Nux vomica is nee­ded for impa­ti­ence, weak ner­ves and sen­si­ti­vi­ty to noi­se. Cer­tain kinds of spasms and cram­ping might also be helped.

Pul­sa­til­la is defi­ni­te­ly hel­pful for the moo­dy, weepy woman who needs a lot of help and reassurance.

It is advi­sa­ble to see a qua­li­fied home­opa­thic practitioner.

Again, pro­per diet is extre­me­ly import­ing when it comes to PMS. Meals high in com­plex car­bo­hy­dra­tes have been found to help great­ly. Such a diet can increase the body’s pro­duc­tion of sero­to­nin, the body’s very own anti­de­pres­sant. On the other hand, eating read meat and dairy will pro­mo­te an imba­lan­ce in estro­gen to pro­ges­te­ro­ne. It is always advi­sa­ble to check for thy­ro­id dis­or­der, immu­ne sys­tem dis­or­der and yeast infec­tions. Lots of stu­dies have shown that caf­feine cau­ses anxie­ty and slee­p­less­ness. In any case, caf­feine wor­sens PMS pro­blems. Caf­feine rai­ses our blood pres­su­re and stress level, which none of us needs. It increa­ses the secre­ti­on of adre­na­line. Smo­king also great­ly aggrava­tes stress which , in turn, will pro­mo­te pre­mens­tru­al discomfort.

The­re are no hard sta­tis­tics, but it is esti­ma­ted that 70–75% of women suf­fer from some form of PMS, at one time or ano­ther. For many years, PMS was dis­missed as being a psy­cho­lo­gi­cal pro­blem. We know that it is lar­ge­ly a phy­si­cal pro­blem. Hor­mo­n­al imba­lan­ces, such as estro­gen domi­nan­ce (rela­ti­ve to pro­ges­te­ro­ne) are caus­ing many reac­tions, from water reten­ti­on to cir­cu­la­ti­on pro­blems. It is very important to take care of a sta­ble blood sugar level. Small meals during the day are essen­ti­al. Food all­er­gies are also lin­ked to PMS and need to be inves­ti­ga­ted. As we can see, PMS is tru­ly a mul­ti­fac­to­ri­al pro­blem. The­re is no quick fix. But is very wort­hwhile to check out the life style and nut­ri­tio­nal changes.

• Gabri­el­le von Pagen­hardt, Dr. of Natu­ral Health, Juni 2004.
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Ger­man version

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