Mistletoe berry (Visci albi fructus)

Published July 14, 1993.
List of Ger­man Com­mis­si­on E Mono­graphs (Phy­to­the­ra­py)
Mint oil (Menthae arvensis aetheroleum)InhaltsverzeichnisMistletoe herb (Visci albi herba)


Name of Drug

Visci albi fruc­tus, mist­le­toe berry.

Composition of Drug

Mist­le­toe ber­ry con­sists of the fresh or dried fruit of Vis­cum album L. [Fam. Vis­caceae], as well as pre­pa­ra­ti­ons thereof.

Pharmacological Properties, Pharmacokinetics, Toxicology

None known.

Clinical Data

1. Com­pon­ents of the Fol­lo­wing Drug Com­bi­na­ti­ons Com­bi­na­ti­ons con­tai­ning up to 5 components:

  1. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb.
  2. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb.
  3. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb.
  4. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, hawt­horn ber­ry, gar­lic, rutoside.
  5. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, 3 che­mi­cal­ly defi­ned components.

Com­bi­na­ti­ons con­tai­ning more than 5 components:

  1. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, vale­ri­an root, cha­mo­mi­le, pep­per­mint leaf, black­ber­ry leaf, yar­row herb, lemon balm leaf, hops, laven­der flower, rose hip seed, hea­ther, ripe pop­py seed capsules.
  2. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, vale­ri­an root, sil­ver weed, rose­ma­ry, worm­wood, ore­ga­no, clea­vers, wood betony.
  3. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, wal­nut leaf, couch grass, white wil­low bark, sil­ver weed, rose­ma­ry, shepherd’s pur­se, tor­men­til root, fuma­to­ry, mas­ter­wort, mea­dows­weet flower, hor­se chest­nut flower.
  4. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, hawt­horn flower, hawt­horn leaf, lemon balm leaf, rosemary.
  5. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, birch leaf, hor­se­tail herb, Indi­an sna­keroot, rut­o­si­de, three home­opa­thic components.
  6. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, hawt­horn flower, ber­ry and leaf, black­ber­ry leaf, yar­row, St. John’s Wort, sil­ver weed, lemon balm leaf.
  7. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, hawt­horn flower, cola nut, gin­seng root, roy­al jel­ly, 2 che­mi­cal­ly defi­ned components.
  8. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, vale­ri­an root, lico­ri­ce, birch leaf, corn­flower, rest­har­row root, pars­ley fruit, cat’s foot flower, cal­en­du­la flower, maté leaf, hawt­horn leaf with flower, mother­wort, wound­wort flower, red pop­py petals, aca­ciae robi­niae flos, marsh­mal­low flower, red clover flower.
  9. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, buckt­horn bark, sen­na leaf, cha­mo­mi­le, lico­ri­ce root, corn­flower flower, dan­de­l­ion root and herb, yar­row herb, sting­ing nett­le, cat’s foot flower, cal­en­du­la flower, shepherd’s pur­se, witch hazel leaf, yar­row flower, wound­wort flower, red pop­py petals, aca­ciae robi­niae flos, marsh­mal­low flower, red clover flower.
  10. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, vale­ri­an root, cha­mo­mi­le, sen­na leaf, birch leaf, corn­flower flower, yar­row herb, rue leaf (ruta gra­veo­lens), cat’s foot flower, cal­en­du­la flower, shepherd’s pur­se, hea­ther, hawt­horn leaf with flower, witch hazel leaf, yar­row flower, wound­wort flower, absinthe herb, red pop­py petals, aca­ciae robi­niae flos, marsh­mal­low flower, red clover flower.
  11. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, uva ursi leaf, gen­ti­an root, fen­nel seed, cara­way seed, sage leaf, thy­me, juni­per ber­ry, dan­de­l­ion herb with root, lemon balm leaf, rose­ma­ry, laven­der flower, sweet flag rhi­zo­me, mar­jo­ram herb, cha­mo­mi­le, arni­ca root, agrim­o­ny, pep­per­mint herb, elder­ber­ry, eye­b­right herb, cloves, nut­meg, wood betony.
  12. Mist­le­toe ber­ry, mist­le­toe herb, sage leaf, mull­ein, plan­tain leaf, St. John’s Wort, hor­se­tail grass, lemon balm leaf, cal­en­du­la flower, rose­ma­ry, laven­der flower, cowslip flower, water­cress, eye­b­right herb, wild thy­me, ore­ga­no, wood sanicle.

2. Clai­med Uses of the Abo­ve Combinations

  1. Blood pres­su­re regulation.
  2. Inter­nal blee­ding, epi­le­psy, arte­rios­cle­ro­sis, pul­mo­na­ry blee­ding, infan­ti­le con­vul­si­ons, gout, hys­te­ria, cir­cu­la­to­ry sys­tem regu­la­ti­on, eli­mi­na­ti­on, blood puri­fi­ca­ti­on, for mas­si­ve loss of blood.
  3. High blood pres­su­re, cir­cu­la­to­ry dis­or­ders, impro­ve­ment of vitality.
  4. Pro­phy­la­xis for the care of the car­dio­vas­cu­lar and ner­vous systems.
  5. Mild to mode­ra­te high blood pres­su­re, arteriosclerosis.
  6. Seda­ting.
  7. Epi­le­psy, seda­ting, antispasmodic.
  8. Tonic for the blood cir­cu­la­to­ry system.
  9. Tonic for the blood cir­cu­la­to­ry sys­tem and gene­ral arteriosclerosis.
  10. Hyper­ten­si­on, essen­ti­al hyper­to­nia, sup­port­i­ve for renal hyper­to­nia, arte­rios­cle­ro­sis, ver­ti­go, neur­asthe­nia, depression.
  11. Tonic for the car­dio­vas­cu­lar system.
  12. Increase in phy­si­cal and men­tal stamina.
  13. Car­dio­to­nic.
  14. Con­s­ti­pa­ti­on, intesti­nal fer­men­ta­ti­on, hemor­rhoi­ds, itching of the anus, vari­ces, cir­cu­la­to­ry disorders.
  15. Fema­le dis­or­ders, such as mens­tru­al dis­or­ders, poor blood cir­cu­la­ti­on, meno­pau­sal dis­com­forts, sta­gna­ti­on of blood, hot flas­hes, headaches.
  16. Puri­fi­ca­ti­on of the body, pre­ven­ti­on of pro­gres­si­ve aging.
  17. Ner­vous heart trou­ble, hea­da­ches, sleep disorders.

3. Risks

Poi­so­nings of child­ren after con­sump­ti­on of mist­le­toe ber­ry have been observed.

Dosage and Mode of Administration

The­re are no data available for dosa­ge of this herb in combination.


Sin­ce the effec­ti­ve­ness for the clai­med uses is not docu­men­ted, a the­ra­peu­tic appli­ca­ti­on can­not be recommended.

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